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These are projects that I've completed throughout my time studying within Media Design School.

Most of projects were done with other programmers/artists.

All projects are also released and can be downloaded for free on my page.

Scallywag Showdown Project Thumbnail.gif
The Many Misfortunes of Kyran Placeholder Poster.png

The Many Misfortunes of Kyran Pierre Cadenza the First

Released Date - Coming Soon

By [Sample Text] Studios Ltd

Made using Unity 2020

Set within a satirical take on the traditional fantasy setting, The Many Misfortunes of Kyran Pierre Cadenza the First, sees the player assume the role of a failed bard as he recounts a tale of past adventure in a blend of ‘choose your own adventure’ style storytelling and grid-based combat.


The Many Misfortunes of Kyran the First was our third year project where we would follow development milestone and phases such as pre-production, vertical slice, alpha, beta, gold sprint, and post-production.

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